Thursday, April 19, 2012


13 horizontal divisions or steps, 3 sides on the inlaid triangular face and 1 eye symbol it was found in the 1980s in the jungles of Ecuador, and this and other artifacts are referred to as La Mana artifacts. The single engraved and inlaid florescent eye is a Sanskrit spiritual symbolism for psychic vision: the third-eye. As there are no known true pyramids in the Americas, only a multitude of stepped pyramids..... Interestingly, this Ecuadorian artifact records the third-eye symbol of the original façade whose casing stones are now absent. The reverse side of the triangular artifact bears a gold-plated inscription of the Orion’s belt constellation and a series of Archaic Sanskrit glyphs, that is said to translate as,THE SON OF THE CREATOR COMES.     
 The translation of the five symbols (the fifth is the I-like scratch to the right of the five golden dots), engraved into the base of the pyramid stone:"The Son Of The Creator Comes From Here ..." This language is so-called "Pre-Sanskrit", translated by German linguist Kurt Schildmann. According to him, this writing is similar, but older, than Sanskrit. Until Schildmann saw this (and other) artifacts, Sanskrit was considered to be the oldest written language. Schildmann named this writing therefore "Pre-Sanskrit". There are many other stone artifacts with inscriptions in Pre-Sanskrit awaiting translation. The inlaid dots, by the way, coincide with the constellation of Orion. Below is the transcription, and its mirror below it, found on a German website.
 I assume that they based their translation on Schildmann's. Note that the sign which looks like our "I" is not in the group together with the other four signs, but before (or after) the inlaid dots. The German site translates this line as: "The Son/Daughter of my creator moves/comes from outside into..." (Orion constellation inlay,in gold)

 (hmm,i found the translation in Z1 to be VERY interesting......peep this-------->>> Amos 5:8 King James Version (KJV) 8Seek him that maketh the seven stars and ORION, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name...)
 See what EyE mean? Interesting enough the original translation of the artifact(as German linguist Kurt Schildmann,who speaks and writes in 40 languages,translated) written on the bottom of the artifact is:"The Son Of The Creator Comes From Here ..ORION.....meditate on,moving on.

 The Sanskrit word "naga" means serpent while kundalini means "snake", and is used as a spiritual metaphor for a coiled cord of energy residing in the human body, symbolically embodied in the hooded cobra native to sub-Himalayan Asia. Kundalini creative energy can be stimulated to elevate consciousness through the natural chakra system (Sanskrit for "wheel"), an alignment of seven rotating vibratory centers of the body.

  Chakra energetic levels correspond to light and sound spectra, each with a distinct frequency and color, the lowest frequency basal or root chakra being red, and continuing in ascending order through orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo to the violet crown chakra, highest in frequency. This string of energy wheels can be thought of as the foci through which human consciousness escalates. The lingam is a phallic instrument used anally during meditation to release the coils of the kundalini serpent into upward movement along the spinal cord through all 7 chakras to blossom at the crown.
 This stimulation of the energetic flow is understood to promote expanded awareness, having powerful effects on consciousness. These Sanskrit concepts are holistically encapsulated in the inlaid patterns of a La Maná stone, the Kundalini Cobra lingam (above), geometrically describing this movement of energy from the dotted center on the tip of the phallus along the ventral stripes through the 7 chakras depicted on either side of the cobra’s hood. Prime numbers are depicted in fluorescent inlays, 1 dot at the head of the phallus, 2 dots for the eyes and 2 for the nostrils and 7 connected dots at each side of the cobra’s hood. The number 33, a product of primes 3 and 11, is also presented in the pink and blue horizontal inlaid bands on the cobra’s ventral side. The number 7 is also encoded by the nostrils and mouth together forming the Sanskrit and Mayan numeral. (The pyramid stone, glowing in ultraviolet blacklight)


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